Entries by roland


In order to make us into the most successful ultimate club in the country for the second year running, the committee would like you to let us know how we’re doing by filling out this questionnaire. The results will be used to fine-tune our training sessions, social events, and other aspects of Brighton Ultimate’s future […]

BU Discs for sale!

We still have plenty of awesome Brighton Ultimate discs to sell. At only £6 for Brighton Ultimate players and £7 for other Ultimate players, they make perfect Christmas, birthday, or wedding presents! If you want to buy one, speak to Roach at practice or email contact at brightonultimate dot co dot uk.

New shirts arrive!

The shirts are here, and most have been given out to those that bought them. There are a few spares left that can be purchased from the club. A big thanks to Four Corners for making the shirts possible!